Main Coolant pipes replaced

I didn't like how these two hose clamps were touching the heater hose; I added a recycled piece of plastic, attached with zip ties to protect heater hose from abrasion from the hose clamp on the coolant pipe.

New GoWesty SS coolant pipes installed today. My original nylon pipes were close to blowing; Inner metal sleeves were trying to work themselves out of their proper locations. One hose flange had broken off completely. I decided to also replace my heater hoses at the same time. Apparently they were in fine shape but I feel better for having them done at the same time. Update: A week after getting the Pipes and Hoses replaced, a heater hose fell from it's hanger and created enough slack that it rubbed on the left rear axle and sprung a leak. I managed to prevent a severe overheat but came close to a disaster.


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