New floor

“Isolation 2020” has afforded me some time to do a list of upgrades to my van:  Floor/fridge upgrades/new seat belts/air compressor install/aux fuse panel.  First of all, the plywood floor was showing signs of rot so out came the kitchen cabinet and the old floor.  The original rubber from Westfalia camper was in pretty good shape so I took the time to peel it off of the original plywood and cleaned it up with a pressure washer before glueing it onto new 1/4” marine grade plywood. The backside of this very tough original rubber has a woven fabric type backing that fortunately prevented it from being stretched out as I used a pry bar to separate it from the plywood.  For glue I used a latex (very low door) contact cement to reattach the sheet to the new plywood and used several long strips of wood to hold it off of the wood as I positioned it in place.  To insulate the floor I added flexible foam and strips of marine grade plywood in the hollows prior to laying the new floor. I used two sided tape to hold each piece in place.  The top layer (floor) got some stainless screws near the original placement to secure it in place.


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